Our membership year runs from Jan. 1 to Dec. 31. All annual memberships taken out between Jan. 1 and Sept. 30 expire on Dec. 31 of that year.  Annual memberships taken out between Oct. 1 and Dec. 31 are effective immediately and extended to Dec. 31 of the following year.

You should expect to receive an official email message from ORG&HPS immediately after you join and at least once a month between September and June. To report missing mail, please contact info@onrockgarden

Categories of membership:

  • Household membership
    • includes the applicant and any number of other individuals living at the same address
    • cost of a household membership is $25/year.
  • Student membership 
    • costs $10 per year
    • available only for one year.



  • monthly meetings, held in Toronto, from September through April. We currently also make the meeting available over Zoom.
  • outstanding programme of international, national and local speakers
  • plant sales in September, October, April and May
  • 10 monthly issues of our newsletter, provided as a digital link
  • annual seed exchange
  • organized free garden tours
  • seed sowing supplies for local members


To join: 

  • on-line joining click here. Pay with a credit card through Bambora or send your fee by e-transfer.  Directions for sending an e-transfer are provided when the "Offline payment" button is checked. 
  • at meetings or by mail. Please include a completed application form with your payment. Download an application form

To renew: