Memorial University of Newfoundland Botanical Garden St. John, Newfoundland. Of special interest for its cottage gardens, limestone rockery and scree, alpine house and peat and woodland beds.
Montreal Botanical Garden Montreal, Quebec. 4900 species of alpine, sub-alpine, arctic and sub-arctic plants from global mountainous and boreal regions. 30 additional themed gardens and 10 greenhouses to visit.
Dalhousie University Bicentennial Botanical Garden Truro, Nova Scotia. 1/2 acre garden of local red granite featuring cactus bed, dry stream bed, cliff face, natural rock steps, dwarf conifers and alpine and saxatile plants.
Reader Rock Garden National Historic Site in Calgary Alberta. Developed almost a century ago, is undergoing detailed restoration.
Royal Botanical Gardens Hamilton, Ontario. Newly refurbished rock garden.
Toronto Botanical Garden Toronto, Ontario. 17 award-winning themed gardens. Redevelopment plans are underway.
University of Alberta Botanic Garden Edmonton, Alberta. 190 acre garden emphasizing alpine and cold-hardy plants. Patrick Seymour Alpine Garden.
UBC Botanical Garden Vancouver, British Columbia. Excellent gardens on the UBC grounds including E.H. Lohbrunner Alpine Garden.
Whistling Gardens Conifer, marsh and rock gardens, floral displays, fountains, amphitheatre. Near Brantford, Ontario