Members wishing to renew will need to LOG IN to the website using their user name and password at this link. If you are not logged in you could see an error related to attempting to log into a member's only page.
Once logged in you can renew by clicking on these links to either your User Profile or Membership/Join. You can also use the menu system to navigate to these pages. User Profile will be under the Members Only menu option and the Join option will be under the Membership menu. On the Membership/Join menu option, if you are logged in and it is time to renew your membership, the Annual Membership option with show a Renew button. *Note that Student memberships are not renewable.*
When you click on the Renew button it will also take you to the User Profile. You can then follow the instructions documented below.
If you are not logged in and you click one of the links above you will be redirected to Log In
Your User Profile has 3 tabs across the top of your profile.
When you are on any of these 3 tabs you will be able to see your Membership Status.
If your membership expires at the end of this year, you can renew your Annual Membership anytime after October 1. Select an option from the bottom of Edit Profle, My Memberships or Membership History tab and then click the button to Process Renewal.