The germination code provided for plants listed on this website and found on ORG&HPS seed packages designates a proven germination technique for each species of seed stored dry for 6 months @ 20°C, except where noted. If you have germination information, suggestions, corrections or questions, contact

* This species needs special care which is described in the Germination Guide Plant List which you can read by clicking the + sign next to the plant that shows an * under the "Special Info" column
? We have no information on this species. We sometimes provide an informed guess about which approach you should try. Let us know what is successful.
! Sow immediately. Either the viability of these seeds is short or the species propagates best with fresh seed. Stored seed might be coaxed into germination with temperature cycling and patience.
[X] This seed is restricted and cannot be imported to the United States.
[i] This plant is considered invasive in Ontario. Propagate with caution.
A Sow @ 20°C. Seed germinates within 3 months.
B Sow @ 20°C. If seed does not germinate within 3 months, try 4°C for 1-2 months, then 20°C again.
C Sow @ 20°C for 3 months, then place @ 4°C for 3 months.
D Use repeated cycles of 20°C, then 4°C for 3 months each. Germination is very prolonged.
E Sow @ 20°C for 6 weeks, then place @ 4°C for 6 weeks, then slowly raise temperature to 10°C for 6 weeks. If there is no germination, repeat the cycle.
F Sow @ 4°C.
G Sow @ 4°C for 3 months, then place @ 20°C for 3 months.
H Use repeated cycles of 4°C, then 20°C for 3 months each. Germination is very prolonged.
J Sow @ 4°C for 3 weeks, then place @ 20°C.
K Sow @ 10°C.
L Expose to fluctuating outdoor winter temperatures including freezing for 3 months. Gradually increase light and temperature in spring.
N Sow directly in garden.
1 Resents transplanting.
2 Requires darkness.
3 Requires light or the seed is very fine. Surface sow and expose to light.
4 Germination is improved by using GA3. See GA3 - Gibberellic Acid Speeds Up Germination
5 Germination is successful only when GA3 is used.
6 Requires scarification. Nick or rub between sheets of sandpaper.
7 Requires soaking. Place in warm water until seeds swell, usually 24-48 hours. Discard water and any seeds that remain floating.
8 Pulpy coat inhibits germination. Remove by soaking and rinsing in clean water for approximately 7 days. Discard water.
9 At one time, we advised "Tails may inhibit germination. Remove them." The advice applied primarily to Anemones (Pulsatillas) and Clematis. Our most recent data indicates that leaving the tails on has no effect on germination.
4°C Either place seeds outdoors to be exposed to a wide range of winter temperatures including freezing or put them in a refrigerator (not a deep freezer).
10°C Either place seeds outdoors in spring or fall or choose a very cool indoor location.
20°C Either place seeds in a sheltered outdoor location in mid to late spring or grow at room temperature.