Next month is October already and that means time for your Seedex donations!
The ORG&HPS seed exchange is a major activity for our society, and the Seedex depends completely on our members sending in seeds. By donating 5 items, you get preferred status when it comes to ordering, and you then get the pick of the crop which becomes a real bonus with some of the seeds that are in short supply.
We welcome all kinds of seeds except vegetables, recalcitrant species and noxious weeds.
Note that there will be no extension of this deadline past October 31.
Download your donation form here. We prefer the sheets to be filled in and submitted electronically. However it is also acceptable to print up a copy, fill it in by hand and submit it by mail.
First, click on the box which says "Enable editing". Fill in the genus and species or hybrid columns. Put a “w” in the next column if the seed was wild collected. For the colour and type columns, there are dropdown menus from which you should select the relevant information. There are two columns for colour; you can enter a colour in both if needed. The height is in cm. and kind of plant like perennial or shrub are also selected by clicking on the appropriate box in the drop-down menu options. Please use the notes column only if the mother plant has a unique characteristic. Examples: “Hardy in zone 5 for 20 yrs.” or “From ORG&HPS seed”. Notes are limited to 40 characters.
The deadline for submitting the completed donation sheet is October 31 and it should be emailed to
Please ensure that the seed is as clean as possible, free of contaminants and chaff, dried well, and properly labelled. They should be packaged in paper, preferably in glassine envelopes. No plastic! Free glassines will be available at the October meeting, or they can be ordered from Carol Clark for a small charge. 50 glassines /$1.00 plus postage.
Watch this video which was produced for ORG&HPS by Robert Pavlis.
The deadline is November 12 except for late ripening which must be received by November 30.
Drop them off at our October or November meeting or mail to: Lucille Yates, 33 Springbank Avenue, Toronto, ON M1N 1G2
We look forward to your participation!
Lucille Yates, Seedex Coordinator